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Is The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman on Netflix in Cabo Verde?

The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman

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The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman


Morgan Freeman travels the globe in search of an answer to one fundamental question for humanity: what are the common forces that bind us together?




EpisodeRelease Date Watch Now
1: The March of Freedom2017-10-11not available
Freeman travels around the world in search of a greater understanding of the concept of freedom. From solitary confinement and forced labor camps, to social taboos and laws that hinder speech and expression, freedom seems to be a constant struggle. As individuals and as entire nations, we are confronted with the question: Will we all ever be truly free?
2: The Fight for Peace2017-10-18not available
Freeman travels the world to study the cycles of war and peace. From the ritualized combat of the sacred Tinku festival in Bolivia to Rwanda’s postgenocide reconciliation program, this episode deals with humanity’s enormous capacity for violence and the endless pursuit of harmony. Conflict can drive innovation, but is war necessary? Physical barriers and a fear of destruction might make us more cautious, but is peace merely the absence of war?
3: The Power of Love2017-10-25not available
Can love change the world? Freeman is on a global quest to understand how this primal force binds us together as a species. From orphanages to battlefields, from arranged marriages to life on the streets, Freeman sees how love can be found in unexpected places – and how this force inspires us all.
4: Us and Them2017-11-08not available
Can we bridge the divide between “us and them?” At a time when the whole world seems to be polarizing into irreconcilable camps, Freeman sets out on a journey in search of the forces that push us apart, from intolerance of differences to fear of outsiders, and the possibilities of coming together.
5: The Power of Us2017-11-15not available
Can we find a way to distribute power so that everyone has their say? A U.S. president explains the challenges of making decisions that affect hundreds of millions of lives, and Freeman learns about an African woman who has created a society without men. He explores how the rise of the internet may fundamentally change how democracy works.
6: The Spirit of Rebellion2017-11-22not available
Freeman’s quest to understand what makes a rebellion successful brings him face-to-face with exiles, whistleblowers, hackers and movement leaders. From Berlin to Bolivia to the United States, he’ll see the courage, dedication, hard work and hope that it takes to try to change the world.

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Episode 1not available
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Episode 2not available
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Episode 3not available
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EpisodeRelease Date Watch Now
Episode 1not available
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Episode 2not available
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Episode 3not available
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Episode 4not available
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Episode 5not available
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Episode 6not available
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