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Is The Avenging Fist on Netflix in the United Arab Emirates?

The Avenging Fist

Sorry The Avenging Fist (2001) is not available in the United Arab Emirates and it can't be unlocked.

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The Avenging Fist


In the not too distant future, scientists begin to conduct research on the Power Glove, a device that will yield unimaginable power. But the gloves were stolen by the ambitious special agent Combat 21, who subsequently disappears. Twenty years later, Combat 21 re-emerges to rule the world, calling himself the God of Fists. Now a new generation of special agents must come together and defeat the omnipotent enemy.


Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Action


Leehom Wang, Stephen Fung, Gigi Leung, Kristy Yeung


Andrew Lau, Corey Yuen

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