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Is Nila on Netflix in Costa Rica?


Sorry Nila (2016) is not available in Costa Rica and it can't be unlocked.

Did you know you can unlock many other movies and shows that Netflix hides from us here in Costa Rica?

Thousands of them!

Since Nila isn't available, do you want to see what other movies you can unlock and watch right now?

Read on to learn how. We've got steps, instructions, and the links you need.

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A young man meets his childhood love one rainy night in the city of dreams. When they both realise that the desire for more can ruin what is special between them do they listen to their head or their heart?


Romance, Drama


Sruthi Hariharan, Vicky Vijai, Sarvesh Sridhar, Rajan Sekri


Selvamani Selvaraj

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