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Is Garbage on Netflix in Greece?


Sorry Garbage (2018) is not available in Greece and it can't be unlocked.

Did you know you can unlock many other movies and shows that Netflix hides from us here in Greece?

Thousands of them!

Since Garbage isn't available, do you want to see what other movies you can unlock and watch right now?

Read on to learn how. We've got steps, instructions, and the links you need.

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Taxi driver Phanishwar is living with a mysterious girl, Nanaam, who he keeps in chains. When a medical student, Rami, a victim of revenge porn leaked online by an ex-boyfriend, seeks refuge in Goa, she stumbles into the strange but placid lives of Phanishwar and Nanaam.


Drama, Thriller


Tanmay Dhanania, Trimala Adhikari, Satarupa Das, Gitanjali Dang


Qaushiq Mukherjee

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