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Is The Peasants' Rebellion on Netflix in India?

The Peasants' Rebellion

Sorry The Peasants' Rebellion (2018) is not available in India and it can't be unlocked.

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The Peasants' Rebellion


Set in the early 19th century Lebanon, amidst a time of feudalism, the "Nisr" powerful family struggle to keep control over the lands and the peasants altogether. Greed to rule, plotting, murders, and scandals threaten the bond that has united the noble "Nisr" family for many years; the oppressed villagers mount an audacious revolt against social and political injustice giving voice to the voiceless. In a breath taken sequence of drastic events, the peasant revolution takes a surprising turn when a new leader joins the rebellions to forge a future on their own terms after years of darkness.




Pio Shihan, Takla Chamoun, Wissam Fares, Fady Ibrahim, Khitam Al Lahham, Nawal Kamel, Janah Fakhoury, Nicolas Daniel, Nicolas Mezher, Wafaa Tarabay


EpisodeRelease Date Watch Now
1: Episode 12018-09-23available in India
Synopsis not available

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