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Is Case on Netflix in Panama?


Sorry Case (2015) is not available in Panama and it can't be unlocked.

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A dramatic thriller about a broken lawyer who seeks redemption through his investigation into the suspicious suicide of a teenage ballet prodigy.


Drama, Crime, Mystery


Davíð Freyr Þórunnarson, Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir, Magnús Jónsson, Birna Rún Eiríksdóttir, Elma Stefania Agustsdottir, Bergur Þór Ingólfsson, Jóhanna Vigdís Arnardóttir, Þorsteinn Bachmann, Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir, Arnar Jónsson


EpisodeRelease Date Watch Now
Episode 1available in Panama
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Episode 2available in Panama
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Episode 3available in Panama
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Episode 4available in Panama
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Episode 5available in Panama
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Episode 6available in Panama
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Episode 7available in Panama
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Episode 8available in Panama
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Episode 9available in Panama
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Episode 10not available
Synopsis not available

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