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Is David Blaine: Real or Magic on Netflix in Panama?

David Blaine: Real or Magic

Sorry David Blaine: Real or Magic (2013) is not available in Panama and it can't be unlocked.

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David Blaine: Real or Magic


David Blaine's signature brand of street magic mystifies the most recognisable celebrities in the world, such as Jamie Foxx, Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Ricky Gervais, Katy Perry, Woody Allen, and Robert DeNiro, to name a few. He goes to the homes of Kanye West and Harrison Ford, Will Smith and Olivia Wilde. He pays a visit to Stephen Hawking at his office in Cambridge University. Blaine also travels the world, astonishing people from all walks of life with never-before seen, inconceivable magic.


Documentary, Mystery


Matthew Akers

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