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Tina Marie D'Silva lives a middle-class lifestyle in a small town in India along. One day renowned singer, Vikramaditya Singh, hears her voice and enrolls her in his prestigious school. After a few clashes, Tina manages to amaze everyone with her talents - so much so that she is invited to sing along with Vikramaditya himself. On the day of the recording, Tina fails to appear. An angered Vikramaditya decides to have nothing to do with her. He subsequently changes his mind, goes to visit her, and finds out that she is now a nun. After many attempts he succeeds in convincing her to return to sing with him at his very first live concert to which she agrees. On the day of the concert Tina is all set to sing, but this time Vikramaditya fails to show. Watch what impact this has on Tina and the concert itself.


Romance, Drama, Musical


Lucky Ali, Simone Singh, Achint Kaur, Ehsan Khan


Tanuja Chandra

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