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The Champion is an idol drama produced by Mediacorp in Singapore. It was telecast from October 20 to November 16, 2004. The show stars Taiwanese idol Toro, Yan Xingshu, Qi Yuwu, Julian Hee, Jeanette Aw, Felicia Chin, Fiona Xie and Joyce Zhao, all young actors and actresses. This show also marked Jesseca Liu's acting debut. It received one of the highest viewership rate during the telecast of the show, especially since there were a few semi-nude scenes such as Qi Yuwu stripping on-screen and Fiona Xie and other members of the Flying Fish running down Orchard Road in their bikinis. This was also the first drama which allowed viewers to vote via a SMS competition on Nov 16 2004 for the viewers' favourite 2-minute short ending which was aired on Nov 17 2004 at 8.58 pm just before the debut of the next drama My Mighty In-Laws.


Romance, Drama, Sport


Whyn, Fiona Xie, Jeanette Aw, Felicia Chin, Joyce Chao, Julian Hee, Moses Lim, Jesseca Liu, Yuwu Qi, Toro


EpisodeRelease Date Watch Now
1: Episode 12004-10-20unlockable
Synopsis not available
2: Episode 22004-10-27unlockable
Synopsis not available
3: Episode 32004-11-03unlockable
Synopsis not available
4: Episode 42004-11-10unlockable
Synopsis not available
5: Episode 52004-11-17unlockable
Synopsis not available
6: Episode 62004-11-24unlockable
Synopsis not available
7: Episode 72004-12-01unlockable
Synopsis not available
8: Episode 82004-12-08unlockable
Synopsis not available
9: Episode 92004-12-15unlockable
Synopsis not available
10: Episode 102004-12-22unlockable
Synopsis not available
11: Episode 112004-12-29unlockable
Synopsis not available
12: Episode 122005-01-05unlockable
Synopsis not available
13: Episode 132005-01-12unlockable
Synopsis not available
14: Episode 142005-01-19unlockable
Synopsis not available
15: Episode 152005-01-26unlockable
Synopsis not available
16: Episode 162005-02-02unlockable
Synopsis not available
17: Episode 172005-02-09unlockable
Synopsis not available
18: Episode 182005-02-16unlockable
Synopsis not available
19: Episode 192005-02-23unlockable
Synopsis not available
20: Episode 202005-03-02unlockable
Synopsis not available

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