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Is The Legendary Swordsman on Netflix in the USA?

The Legendary Swordsman

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The Legendary Swordsman


The Legendary Swordsman is a Singaporean television series adapted from Louis Cha's novel The Smiling, Proud Wanderer. It was first broadcast on TCS-8 in Singapore in 2000.


Adventure, Mystery, Action


Shao Ting Huang, Steve Ma, Fann Wong, Jacelyn Tay, Ivy Lee, Chor Meng Chew, Florence Tan, Priscelia Chan, Geping Zheng, Natalie Faye


EpisodeRelease Date Watch Now
1: Episode 12000-05-18unlockable
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2: Episode 22000-05-25unlockable
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3: Episode 32000-06-01unlockable
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